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True Vancouver Story #6 – Hotdoggin’ it at EXPO 86

True Vancouver Story #6 – Hotdoggin’ it at EXPO 86

Did you know that Expo 86 housed the biggest food production centre ever created for a world's fair, and that they sold over 2 million hot dogs during it? Allen Garr (the same Allen Garr who is now a BEEKEEPER that we featured recently) presented a s
True Vancouver Story #5 - Your friendly neighbourhood Cigarette-Smoking Man

True Vancouver Story #5 - Your friendly neighbourhood Cigarette-Smoking Man

Did you know that the local actor who played the Cigarette-Smoking Man on the The X-Files ( William B Davis ) quit smoking in the 1970s and that he actually smoked herbal cigarettes throughout most of the production of the series? True story.
True Vancouver Story #4 - On The Georgia Straight's dime

True Vancouver Story #4 - On The Georgia Straight's dime

Did you know that the Georgia Straight ( the free Vancouver arts and entertainment weekly which was founded in 1967) cost a dime to purchase when it was first published? Holy mackerel. True story.
True Vancouver Story #3 - Greenpeace

True Vancouver Story #3 - Greenpeace

Did you know that Greenpeace (the international activist organization that focuses its work on global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues) was founded in Vancouver in the 1970's? True story.
One sweet Expo 86 visor

One sweet Expo 86 visor

I've made so many blog posts about Expo 86 memorabilia over the years with V.I.A. that I don't even know how to introduce them any more.

Vancouver Was Awesome: Vancouver Firsts

From the luster of Yaletown's glass towers to the blink and buzz of neon on Granville on Hastings, Vancouver's story is fairly new however there's still quite a bit of history to be told about this 124-year old city.

Vancouver 2010, revisited

It's hard to believe that it was six months ago that our city hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics. Click HERE to take a look back on every single Olympics-related post we've ever made.
Why do you have the day off on BC Day?

Why do you have the day off on BC Day?

Wondering why you might have the day off today? I did a little research and found out the basic origins of BC Day, and they really are quite basic: In 1974 a fellow named Ernie Hall (who was the then Provincial Secretary under Premier Dave Barrett) i

The sordid history of V.I.A. headquarters at 115 East Pender! (3 of 3)

Have you ever been to the Vancouver Police Museum at 240 E. Cordova Street? Kim Werker did a BLOG POST about them and one of their forensic workshops not long ago and since V.I.A.

The sordid history of V.I.A. headquarters at 115 East Pender! (2 of 3)

Have you ever been to the Vancouver Police Museum at 240 E. Cordova Street? Kim Werker did a BLOG POST about them and one of their forensic workshops not long ago and since V.I.A.